The Church Of St Dunstan


Rural Church

St. Francis in Winnsboro will hold a service on Saturday, May 18, 2024 at 11AM to celebrate their 30th Anniversary. 

The APNET Council will hold a meeting at 10AM on Saturday, June 1st at St. Wm. Laud in Pittsburg.

APNET holds a quarterly bible study at St. Francis Episcopal Church in Winnsboro.  Each meeting, discussions center around one of the characters in the "Walk with Jesus" series.  Parishioners and friends are encouraged to attend the lively discussions and food enjoyed by all.  Let your APNET church office know you will be attending so organizers can have plenty of the main dish on hand.  Participants are asked to bring a side or a dessert.  Dates for each study are published in the APNET monthly newsletter distributed to the congregations in the Affiliated Parishes of Northeast Texas.   

APNET MISSION DAY was held at The Church of St. Dunstan on Saturday, February 18, 2023.  The Rev. Cn. Carrie Headington was the key speaker.  She addressed our mission in today's world through Message, Method, and Motivation.  Numerous Northeast parishes were represented as they planned the path going forward to grow their congregations. 

The Affiliated Parishes of Northeast Texas (APNET) together with the Espiscopal Diocese of Dallas sponsored a renewal conference at St. Philip's in Sulphur Springs, "To Each is Given" on January 28 & 29, 2022.  The conference focused on works and gifts of the Holy Spirit, spiritual healing and prayer with presentations by well known international speakers from the Anglican Renewal Ministries: The Rev. Cn. Gene Packwood and Jane Jones.  

THE 2020 RURAL CHUCH GATHERING began with Fr. John Schmidt leading 80+ in attendance through Morning Prayer. 

Rebecca Wellborn then moderated the  "Tell Your Story" segment of the gathering that led into lunch.  The morning stories were very informative and a lively exchange of information from each of the participating churches was presented.  Their stories were personal, providing a wonderful glimpse into the life of each congregation.


Following the buffet line, Bishop Sumner addressed the group with his vision for the rural churches presenting the why, what and how.  Referencing Ephesians 4:1-16, he eagerly laid out how the rural congregations "together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work."  The Bishop sees a Vicar overseeing yoked congregations under a pro-cathedral providing oversight.  He emphasized the WHY of sharing the gospel.  

Many thanks to all who helped to make the 2020 Rural Church Gathering a success, especially our Master Chefs, Jim and Jeanne Ann; Ruth Ann and all the ladies who prepared wonderful desserts, fruit and vegetable trays for the event. 





RCG 2019

Rural Church Gathering 2019 featured The Rt. Rev. George Sumner and The Rev. Canon Carrie Headington, Canon for Evangelism.  Additional speakers shared their strategies for reaching out in faith to grow our church community.  Interaction for the dozen participating churches was lively and warm.  It truly was an exciting day of study, prayer and fellowship at St. Dunstan’s.  Our many thanks to all who participated in this event, both in serving and sharing.