Acolytes - Milton Husbands - The Acolyte ministry serves to assist the priest at the altar during mass.
Altar Guild - Cazzie Husbands - Altar Guild members prepare the altar for service and maintain the vessels and linens.
Greeters/Ushers - Mary Lu French / Ben Strange - Welcoming all who choose to come and worship with us.
Lay Eucharistic Visitors - Bishop Fraser Lawton - LEVs bring communion to the homebound and ill.
Lectors/Lay Readers - Christine Brosky - Lectors share the appointed readings with the congregation during the service.
Media Streaming - Wes Smith - Dedicated members stream Sunday service to enable those unable to attend church to view the service and/or hear the sermons on podcast.
Music - Prior to the service, Bishop Lawton and Veronica engage in songs of praise.
Children's Service - Karen Dorris / Lee Desmond - Providing religious structure for the children, utilizing the lections of the day.